
How to Create Backlinks for Your Website in 2024

There is no scope to ignore backlinks as it is Google’s one of the top-ranking factors. Hence, to get a higher rank in SERP, you need oodles of quality backlinks for your website.

Age-old link building techniques, such as blog commenting or posting articles on several article submission sites can’t help you much in 2024. These tactics got the biggest hit after the introduction of the Penguin update.

What is Backlink?

Backlinks, also known as inbound links, are the links from other websites to different pages of your website.

Say, publishes a blog, where they put an anchor text linking to one of your web pages. It implies you have got an inbound link from to the concerned page.

How to create backlinks

Backlinks bestow a positive impact on search engine rankings when:

  • They are obtained from high-authority sites
  • The sites, linking to you are related to your niche
  • You get links from different domains
  • You acquire do-follow links

Though it is quite arduous, creating backlinks is a necessity. To help you with this, here are 10 effective techniques to build a high-quality backlink profile for your website. Let’s explore such tactics one by one.

1. Work on your recognition:

If you are new to a sector and want to create backlinks from somewhere without adding any value, you might not get good responses.

If your existence is not bringing any change to his article. Why will someone add a link to your post?
Most important is to

  • Make post worth it of recognition
  • Add extra value to the existing blog post

2. Guest Posting

Link building techniques involve a course of research and hard work for each link. Guest blogging is a comparatively easier method for obtaining backlinks. However, you need to create a masterpiece article for this.

Guest blogging means publishing your article on another website to channelize traffic from that site to yours. Professional bloggers also opt for this to get exposure as an author.

However, if you apply this technique to acquire links, you need to target niche relevant high authority websites, which allows do-follow links. Say, if you sell fashion accessories for women, you need to search blogs dedicated to women’s fashion.

Search on Google with the phrase Guest Post along with your keywords to discover the guest blogging opportunities. Once you get a list of niche-oriented sites allowing you to publish your blog, check their domain authority score using the Moz domain analysis tool to ensure the backlink quality.

Now, read their guidelines thoroughly to determine your further steps. Read their existing blogs to figure out what posts are already there for your targeted keywords. Plan an exclusive topic along with a catchy title.

Your next step is to contact the webmaster personally. Send an email to the blog owner narrating your business details and the topic on which you want to a write blog. Once the owner approves your topic, you can start working on writing a great article.

3. Trace Your Competitors Backlinks

This is a great way to trounce your competitors, exploring thousands of link building opportunities.

First, find out the top competitors of your industry, preparing a list of such websites. Now, go to any competition analysis tool. You will have free as well as premium options for this tool. Ubersuggest is one of the free tools whereas, SEMrush and Ahrefs are the top premium tools.

Go to one of these sites and enter the domain name of your competitor’s website. You will find the list of sites linking to your opponent’s site.

Now, get the list of those backlinks to analyze them one by one. Here you will find a list of forums. To get links from such forums, you need to create your profile there. There may be various sites for guest blogging. You also can contact those site owners, notifying them, the existence of your site. Send your proposal for writing a blog on those sites.

4. Post Answers on Question Answer Forums

It is the easiest way to get high-authority links for your site.

Question answer forum like Quora is a platform where you can find thousands of audiences, finding answers to their question.

Put your keyword on the search bar to find your niche-relevant questions. Pick one of them to post your answer.

high-authority links

Your answer should be relevant and helpful for the audience. Otherwise, it will provide a negative impact on your reputation. Place a link of your webpage if it can provide your audience better assistance.

Remember one thing, place only one link for one webpage as multiple links from a single domain can harm your backlink profile.

5. Draft a Skyscraper Content

Skyscraper content is a complete guide on a topic, including every nanoscopic detail of it. Generally, these guides contain 10000+ words. This type of content highly attracts audiences as it covers literally everything related to concerned topic.

Once you publish such content on your site, promote them to catch the attention of audiences.

First, contact those influencers or websites you have mentioned in this article. Ask them to promote it within their networks if they find it valuable.

Find out the top results on SERP against this topic. Check the backlinks profiles for those pages using backlink checker tool. Now, contact the link provider mentioning that you have created 5x better content than your competitor and ask them to give you a link on this page.

It can give your brand greater exposure and recognition.

6. Explore Broken Links

Broken links can provide you hundreds of backlinks easily if you use premium tools like SEMrush or Ahrefs.

A website is filled with broken links if the linked site:

  • Change its domain name
  • Remove some pages
  • Stop providing such services

Now you need to find out a list of your niche websites to check their 404 error pages. Using Ahrefs site explorer, you will find the number of sites still linked to these pages.

Check each dead link of the niche website on Wayback Machine to identify the content of that page.

Wayback Machine

Now, you need to create a similar type of content for your website.

Next, go to the sites, providing links to these error pages. Inform them about the broken links. Also, mention that you have the same type of content on your site, asking them to provide a link to you, replacing the broken link.

This trick works well as no one wants to have broken links for their websites and this is the easiest way for them to fix suck broken links.

7. Design an Infographics

Infographics allow you to display complex data and information in a graphical representation to make it easy to understand quickly. This link building strategy can bring you thousands of backlinks for each inforgraphic.

Create an infographics that can clearly describe the facts at a glance. Now, promote your content on social networking sites. If your infographics convey valuable information, then other content creators will use it on their sites, mentioning you as the originator. This way, you can earn quality links.

Don’t forget to add an embed code to help people use it for their sites. You also can include your brand logo in it to get brand recognition.

8. Create Link-Worthy Content in Your Website

Unlike appealing to third-party websites for backlinks, you can embrace this link building technique to get backlinks, increasing the value of your site.

All you need to do is creating high-quality content that can educate and guide people. It can be how-to articles or any listicles or an ultimate guide on a topic.

Yes, it takes time to create such unique and useful content, but it worth the time and hard work. These types of valuable substances drive high traffic as well as backlinks.

Research on Google to find the most popular topics for your niche. You may also use Google Trends for that. Now, write something more accurate and informative than the resources already available on the website.

If you can provide something exclusive and engaging, other industry experts will use it, providing you quality backlinks.

9. Look on to Resource Page for Link Building

Resource page link building is the second most popular link building strategy among digital marketers.

What is Resource Page?

Resources pages are those web pages that curate useful resources of third-party websites, providing backlinks to them.

Resource pages are particularly designed to exhibit the contents of third-party websites. When you are rendering them awesome content, you are increasing the value of such pages.

First, you need to find these sites for link building. To find out such sites, enter the following search terms on Google browser.

Keyword inurl:resources

Keyword “best resources”

Keyword intitle:links

This way, you can discover resource pages relevant to your niche.

You also can search those resources using competition research tools. While checking the backlinks of your competitors, you will find a list of resource pages’ links.

Next, contact the webmaster, sending a personalized email, mentioning the webpage URL that you want to add to such a resource page.

You also can check the broken links of such resources, suggesting them to link your site instead.

10. Re-cycle Your Old Link Profile

This tactic is easy but can’t be utilized every time.

Search for your backlink portfolio using Google Search Console. Now you will find the list of sites that already have given you links. Contact them again, asking them to provide you another link for your freshly published content.

As they are already familiar with your domain, they will give you links easily.

You can use this technique once or twice. But repeating this every time will make your site look spam as Google appreciates backlinks that are coming from multiple domains.

Wrapping It Up

It is always better to have quality backlinks rather than the number of links. Though it is tiresome and time-consuming to earn high-quality links, it helps to build trust. Using black hat tactics like link exchange or link purchases may penalize your site. Thus, plan your backlink strategy in a way to get authoritative links easily.



Saurabh Upadhyay

Saurabh Upadhyay holds a bachelor degree in Hotel Administration. But this isn't what he does! He is passionate about making marketing strategies that help businesses evolve. He constantly keeps searching for new market areas for expansion and finding how implementation of digital marketing strategies can change the game. In his vacant time, he loves to read books specially autobiography genre and writing.

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